Rabu, 30 Januari 2019

Oracle APEX - Using Outlook 365 as outbound email

Here the steps to use SMTP Outlook 365 as email outbond from oracle APEX
  • Setup SMTP outlook 365 relay register your APEX host and get the smtp server name and port. how to to it check this youtube
  • Create oracle wallet on DBaaS/DB to *.outlook.com
  • Set Instance Setting > Email values on Workspace Internal

  • Test it using apex_email
  •   procedure send_email_test(
        p_from    varchar2 default 'info@yourdomain.com'
      , p_to      varchar2
      , p_subject varchar2 default 'Email test'
        l_body      clob;  
        l_body := 'Thank you for your interest in the APEX_MAIL package.'||utl_tcp.crlf;
        l_body := l_body ||'  Sincerely,'||utl_tcp.crlf;
        l_body := l_body ||'  The APEX Dev Team'||utl_tcp.crlf;
            p_to       => p_to,   -- change to your email address
            p_from     => p_from, -- change to a real senders email address
            p_body     => l_body,
            p_subj     => p_subject
      end send_email_test;

Thats it and good luck :D