Salah satunya adalah terjadi ketika sebuah teknik kursor yang melibatkan proses DML, biasanya saya memakai teknik kuno (old fashion way), yaitu memakai cursor dengan row-by-row proses. Ketika di teliti oleh teman seperjuangan di AUS. Dia dapat menunjukkan cara terbaik. Contoh berikut adalah proses sebanyak 10.000 row
- Cursor Teknik lama : Elapsed: 00:00:12.703
set timing on DECLARE CURSOR a_cur IS SELECT * from forall_test; l_tab a_cur%ROWTYPE; begin execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE forall_test2'; OPEN a_cur; loop fetch a_cur into l_tab; exit when a_cur%notfound; INSERT INTO forall_test2 (id, code, description) values (, l_tab.code, l_tab.description); end loop; close a_cur; commit; end; /
set timing on DECLARE CURSOR a_cur IS SELECT * from forall_test; TYPE myarray IS TABLE OF a_cur%ROWTYPE index BY PLS_INTEGER; l_tab myarray; begin execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE forall_test2'; OPEN a_cur; loop fetch a_cur bulk collect into l_tab limit 1000; exit when l_tab.count = 0; for i in l_tab.first .. l_tab.last loop INSERT INTO forall_test2 (id, code, description) values (l_tab(i).id, l_tab(i).code, l_tab(i).description); end loop; END LOOP; close a_cur; commit; END; /
set timing on DECLARE CURSOR a_cur IS SELECT * from forall_test; TYPE myarray IS TABLE OF a_cur%ROWTYPE index BY PLS_INTEGER; l_tab myarray; begin execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE forall_test2'; OPEN a_cur; loop fetch a_cur bulk collect into l_tab limit 1000; exit when l_tab.count = 0; forall i in l_tab.first .. l_tab.last INSERT INTO forall_test2 (id, code, description) values (l_tab(i).id, l_tab(i).code, l_tab(i).description); END LOOP; close a_cur; commit; end; /
set timing on DECLARE TYPE myarray IS TABLE OF forall_test%ROWTYPE index BY PLS_INTEGER; l_tab myarray; begin execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE forall_test2'; select * bulk collect into l_tab from forall_test; forall i in l_tab.first .. l_tab.last INSERT INTO forall_test2 (id, code, description) values (l_tab(i).id, l_tab(i).code, l_tab(i).description); commit; END; /
Special Thanks to Chris Finney for point this out.
Source :
1. Bulk Binds (BULK COLLECT & FORALL) and Record Processing in Oracle.
2. PL/SQL Collections and Records.
3. Tuning PL/SQL Applications for Performance.