Namun hal tersebut masih kita bisa cari solusinya dengan cara :
- Membuat function return table pipelined atau.
- Memakai bantuan query terhadap APEX collection.
Skenario :
- Kita akan membuat IR thd semua tabel yang ada di skema HR untuk contoh demo (EMP & OEHR_EMPLOYEES).
- Kita hanya membatasi max kolom sejumlah 10.
- Skema akses apex memiliki system privilege : SELECT ANY DICTIONARY.
- Membuat sebuah fungsi yg secara dinamis bisa me-return 10 nama kolom tabel input.
create or replace function get_report_headers ( p_table in varchar2 default 'EMP' , p_separator in varchar2 default ',' , p_type in varchar2 default 'HEADER' , p_num in number default 1 ) return varchar2 as v_temp_arr apex_application_global.vc_arr2; v_list varchar2(32767); begin if p_type = 'HEADER' then SELECT column_name bulk collect into v_temp_arr FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE owner = 'HR' and table_name = p_table and owner = 'HR' and data_type <> 'BLOB' order by column_id; v_list := apex_util.table_to_string(v_temp_arr,p_separator); return v_list; else if p_num > 10 then v_list := null; else begin SELECT initcap(REPLACE(column_name,'_',' ')) into v_list FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE owner = 'HR' and table_name = p_table and owner = 'HR' and column_id = p_num; exception when others then v_list := null; end; end if; return v_list; end if; end get_report_headers;
declare v_query VARCHAR2(32767):=null; v_collection varchar2(100) := nvl(:P20_COLL_NAME,'DYNAMIC_'||:SESSION_ID); begin v_query := 'select '|| get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME) || ' from HR.' || nvl(:P20_TABLE_NAME,'EMP'); IF APEX_COLLECTION.COLLECTION_EXISTS (p_collection_name => v_collection) THEN APEX_COLLECTION.DELETE_COLLECTION(p_collection_name => v_collection); APEX_COLLECTION.CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERY(p_collection_name => v_collection ,p_query => v_query ); else APEX_COLLECTION.CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERY(p_collection_name => v_collection ,p_query => v_query ); end if; end;
:P20_C01 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 1); :P20_C02 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 2); :P20_C03 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 3); :P20_C04 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 4); :P20_C05 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 5); :P20_C06 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 6); :P20_C07 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 7); :P20_C08 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 8); :P20_C09 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 9); :P20_C10 := get_report_headers(p_table => :P20_TABLE_NAME,p_type => 'COLUMN', p_num => 10);
select * from APEX_collections where collection_name = :P20_COLL_NAME;